Products for people who choose WordPress
Build by people who love WordPress.
Fully-managed WordPress Hosting
Enterprise infrastructure with full-service support, Core updates, backups, and regular security audits so you can get back to what matters.
Serverless-Static WordPress Hosting
The WordPress hosting solution that combines static site generation and serverless architecture with the world’s most popular CMS
Open Source Projects
Community projects maintained by DigitalCube and its contributors.
Amimoto AMI
Amazon Machine Image for WordPress
Our one-click AMIs are the easiest and easiest way to launch WordPress in the cloud.
- amimoto
- wordpress
- aws
- php7
Docker Container for WordPress
Docker image for testing WordPress themes and plugins while migrating to Shifter.
- shifter
- development
- wordpress
- docker
WP Serverless Forms
Contact Forms for Static WordPress Sites
Replace PHP contact form actions with HTTP endpoints such IFTTT, Basin and more.
- shifter
- javascript
- cf7
- wordpress
WP Serverless Search
Search for Static WordPress Sites
Search thousands of posts in milliseconds, with fuzzy matching and support for custom themes.
- shifter
- javascript
- jamstack
- search
AWS CloudFormation for WordPress
Simultaneously launch EC2, RDS, Load Balancers and more for WordPress using Amimoto AMI.
- amimoto
- aws
- cloudformation
- autoscaling