Our vision

Creating value at the intersection of design, art, and technology

Our mission is to bring your brand and value story to life.

We stand at the intersection of design, art and technology to create experiences that inspire a passion for creativity.

A message from our CEO

Our goal is to make our clients happy.

Not listed on our services, though, our most important service is “people”. Our goal is to make our clients happy. DigitalCube is a company that values meeting people, both offering and sharing exciting experiences and happiness to whom we meet. That’s our pleasure.

Another most important service of ours are the open source solutions. Among the many open source softwares, we offer the best solutions for our customers. Through the internet solution, we, DigitalCube enrich the people we meet. That’s our aim, and each of us heads toward the goal.

DigitalCube Co. Ltd.
CEO KOGA, Hiromichi

Our Team


Managing Director CEO


Board Director


Board Director CFO


Executive Officer CTO


Executive Officer, Human Resources


Executive Officer