WCEU Session Highlight: The Balancing Act of Caching in WordPress

As the day’s countdown to WordCamp Europe we are scanning the line up for sessions and workshops we don’t want to miss. And here’s another we’d like to share!

The session: The Balancing Act of Caching in WordPress. This session looks like it will cover something our team has worked on a lot. Performance!

Caching plays a huge role in site speed and one thing we know for sure, that there is always room for improvement. Caching is not just about speed but it can also play a role in your hosting costs too.

By serving traffic from your site in a hosting environment that is well caching and matches how your sites want to work you can avoid expensive calls or exceed bandwidth limits.

The way Shifter works compared to a standard hosting environment is that Shifter serves files and content purely from a CDN. The files are cached with the CDN, the CDN Edge Locations and that happens across multiple geographical regions.

Compared to a standard server setup without a CDN caching can still play a part but its happening at one location, at the server level. In that setup, you’d serve cached files from that server but it will still consume additional resources if the traffic is high.

That said, there are endless ways and variations to doing this. Some are simple, some are clever and it’s good to see what options are out there. We look forward to this session and hope you can join us!