Introducing Shifter Passwordless Login and Magic Links

All WordPress sites on Shifter now come with Passwordless Login and Magic Link access to the WordPress Dashboard.

Magic, you say? Yes! It’s really really magic. 🎩

Let’s take a look.

What is Passwordless Login?

Passwordless Login is feature that allows users to access their WordPress dashboard right from our Shifter dashboard. All you have to do is start the WordPress container and once it’s ready login right in.

This feature is designed to improve the editing experience and remove the friction of logging into WordPress.

What are Magic Links?

Are you working with a trusted friend or client and need to share access to your WordPress site? Or what if you need help from Shifter support and would like to share access that way. There’s a Magic Link for that.

Shifter Magic Links allow users to share access to the WordPress Dashboard without setting up a username or password. These URLs are token based and work only once per session.

How are WordPress users handled?

WordPress usernames are based on your Shifter account. Passwords are randomized and user roles are set to admin by default for now. In an upcoming release we’ll introduce more tools to manage WordPress users and organization members right from the Shifter dashboard.

Need to access WordPress as a different user?

There are options for that now with Plugins such as User Switching and more. These still work with Passwordless Login.

Is it secure?

Yes! Only you as an admin with access to your Shifter account can access that secure URL. It’s not public, broadcasted, or shared with anyone except you. It’s also randomized and expires so it cannot be accessed more than once.

In addition secure URLs the underlying passwords which allow users access are also randomized.

If you have a concern or need more info please let us know and we’d be happy to update this post for other readers and review and feedback you may have.