Custom Artifact Names, Improved UI and Minor League Bugs

Custom Artifact Names

A few weeks ago, we had released the Artifacts feature. This introduced the ability to create and save versions of your site for deployment. These come in handy for rolling back features or setting up staging sites before going into production. You can now modify Artifacts with a custom unique name. Say goodbye to cold, ugly name for Artifact!

Some ideas for using this feature would be release tags such as 1.0, 1.1, etc. or feature releases like “mobile nav complete”. Whatever naming system you need make it work for you.

Improved UI

We’re not just Shifter developers, we are also Shifter users. We find improvements every day on Shifter to make it the better. It’s not just backend features, we’re also improving the UI. We know this is one of the important parts of our service for the user.

Minor Bug Fixes

Our goal is to resolve reported bugs immediately. If you find something please report it to us. The feedback is always welcome and helps us improve Shifter.