Bonjour! It’s
AMIMOTO: WordPress + Amazon Web Services
Hands-on Paris

When: 3rd February 2016, 18:00 – 20:00 PM
20:00 PM onwards: Socialization
Where: NetCoworking
11 rue de Paris 75116, Magdebourg
Getting There
Cost: FREE!
You’ll Need:
- Laptop
- AWS Account (for our hands-on)
Let’s Learn & Talk About:
- WordPress, WordCamp, AWS & communities
- First Steps with WordPress & AWS
- What you can do with WordPress (blog, site, eCommerce, business) / User Case
- What you can do with AWS / User Case
- AMIMOTO WordPress Hosting
- HHVM performance tests
- Various site issues & solutions by AMIMOTO WordPress + AWS
- How to: EC2 Instance Selection
- AWS Dashboard familiarization
- HANDS-ON: Launching free version of WordPress Powered by AMIMOTO HHVM (or HTTP/2) on AWS
- Managing Database
- AWS CloudFormation Templates
We’re giving away:
AMIMOTO goodies to all participants.
Benefits to the community:
WordPress is the most widely used CMS in the world and AWS is the fastest growing enterprise in their field. Skills on these platforms are highly in demand.
We’ll share with you what you can do with WordPress on AWS and how to do it. Take tips and ideas on what you and your company can make use of.
Our goal is to help individuals, businesses and the start up community grow.