Meetup Highlights: AWS UG Poznań

On March 22nd, Amazon Web Services Polish User Group held a meetup, AWS UG PL #15 – Poznań hosted at Grupa Allegro, Poznań.

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It started at 6 pm where attendees introduced themselves to the rest of the group. AWS pens were given away including some AWS credits.

There were about 25+/- attendees, mostly work as engineers, IT consultants, backend developers, sys admins, and IT-related jobs.

This meetup consisted of three amazing talks:

Jarosław Zieliński talked about the ABCs of AWS, particularly AWS services and what purpose they serve.

He also demonstrated how to launch an instance through the console.
Attendees were encouraged to pitch in and share what they know about what specific AWS service is for, and what it does. Many participants shared what they know and it was a great open discussion.

The second talk was given by Przemysław Iwanek, about “Creating infrastructure using Terraform”.

Terraform is an infrastructure management tool and he compared this with others such as CloudFormation, Chef and BOTO.
At the end, Przemysław showed everyone his terraform demo.

The final talk was by Matt Pilarski, on “WordPress w Chmurze” (WordPress in the clouds).

He introduced DigitalCube, AWS community and basics of WordPress and AWS.
He covered topics such as JIN-KEI CloudFormation, WordPress Powered by AMIMOTO HVM at AWS Marketplace.
Matt also included AMIMOTO serverless infrastructure and Machine Learning.

Questions received during his presentation were:
Is it possible to use RDS with your AMIs?
Yes, it’s possible by running specific commands in the shell.

How many WordPress installations can you run in one instance?
Everything depends from the size of the instance. For example, the recommended number of WordPress installations are 3 in one t2.micro. This is good for sites with 100,000 PV/month.
Larger instances can definitely have more like 10 WordPress installations in c4.large with 5 Million PV/mo.
The bigger the instance, the higher the number of installs and PV it can handle.

The networking part was right after the first talk, which lasted about an hour long, complete with pizza, coffee and good people.