WordPress Powered by JINKEI (Simple Stack HVM) now supports Amazon Aurora, “a relational database engine that combines the speed and reliability of high-end commercial databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open source databases. It delivers up to five times the throughput of standard MySQL running on the same hardware.”
JINKEI (Simple Stack HVM) is a CloudFormation stack used to operate AMIMOTO (HVM) at greater performance. When you use the JIN-KEI CloudFormation, WordPress will achieve higher performance in which the CloudFront, Amazon S3 and Amazon RDS are connected.
To operate a large-scale site in WordPress, you need a powerful database server, which is most often costly and requires a lot of efforts.

WordPress Powered by JINKEI (Simple Stack HVM) has adopted Amazon Aurora to achieve
five times the performance of MySQL in RDS engine.
Delivering up to five times the throughput of standard MySQL, you can experience a more robust and sophisticated WordPress site management.

Start WordPress Powered by JINKEI (Simple Stack HVM) Aurora from AWS Marketplace.
It’s available for launching in the following regions: N. Virginia, Oregon, Ireland, Sydney, Tokyo & Seoul.
You can access Amazon Aurora after the deployment of AMIMOTO CloudFormation.
WordPress Powered by JINKEI (Simple Stack HVM) Aurora is available at AWS Marketplace
Reference: How to Setup CloudFormation JINKEI