JIN-KEI Simple Stack with Amazon Aurora

JIN-KEI Cloudformation now supports Amazon Aurora with 5x throughput of standard MySQL


“MySQL-compatible relational database with 5X performance.
Security, availability, and reliability of commercial databases at 1/10th the cost.”

Amazon Aurora joins the JIN-KEI Cloudformation Simple Stack family.
Amazon Aurora lets you experience the capabilities of MySQL compatible Database Engine.


Operating powerful DB servers requires a lot of time, effort and costs.


We employ Amazon Aurora as DB engine which creates a relational database designed for the cloud by Amazon.
Easy to operate WordPress site with powerful DB engine which can scale up and automatically repair failures in the background.


“Amazon Aurora is not only performs well, but it’s also fault tolerant and automatically repairs failures in the background. It creates two copies in 3 different data centers.
For a small website it might be overkill, however, it is the best database engine for media sites or e-commerce sites which have higher traffic, access, more articles or items.”


Start “WordPress Powered by JIN-KEI with Aurora” in AWS Marketplace.
You can access the WordPress site with Amazon Aurora when CloudFormation has been deployed.

JIN-KEI with Amazon Aurora at AWS Marketplace