We measured the performance of AMIMOTO HHVM 3.6 and 3.9 with the following:
- loader.io as a load testing tool
- Admin Screen
- Duration: 1 minute
- Type: during the testing period, the number of clients increase from 0-300 (Maintain client load)
HHVM 3.6

Amimoto HHVM 3.6 without cache.
Test finished: Admin Login
*Load:* from 0 to 300 for 1 min
*Avg response time:* 10563 ms
*Success responses:* 1189
*Errors 4xx:* 0
*Errors 5xx:* 0
*Timeout errors:* 0
*Network errors:* 0
*Avg error rate:* 0.0 %
HHVM 3.9

Amimoto HHVM 3.9 without cache.
Test finished: Admin Login
*Load:* from 0 to 300 for 1 min
*Avg response time:* 8259 ms
*Success responses:* 1685
*Errors 4xx:* 0
*Errors 5xx:* 0
*Timeout errors:* 0
*Network errors:* 0
*Avg error rate:* 0.0 %
Today we’ve released HHVM 3.9 (Long Term Support) Package for AMIMOTO HHVM.
Update your AMIMOTO HHVM here and launch WordPress Powered by AMIMOTO HHVM here.